a look at ‘Imperfect Love’ by Isabella White #Contemporary #Romance @issy_white4 #3AuthorBlogTours

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Title: Imperfect Love
Author: Isabella White
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: The 4Ever Series #1
ISBN: 978-0994664105
Release Date: October 31st 2018
Publisher: Fire Quill Publishers

Description: Two people begrudgingly perfect for each other, creates the ideal recipe for imperfect love.
At 24 years old, Holly Scallanger has the perfect life. Everything a girl could want; a beautiful man, a stunning home, as well as being in the midst of preparing for the wedding of her dreams. This all vanishes the night she catches her fiancé, Brandon Morgan, in bed with her worst nightmare, Donna Sinclair, just a week before Holly is set to walk down the aisle.
Attempting to recover from his betrayal, Holly swears off the affections of men in order to pick up the pieces of her crumbling life. Unfortunately, meeting Jake ‘Hooligan’ Peters is not part of her plan. The tall, dark-haired and handsome as hell med student, sweeps Holly away from the pain of her past and reveals to her the bright future that lies ahead. That is, until she falls pregnant just as Jake begins his internship at P&E; his family’s hospital.
Will this love at first sight lead her to the fairytale she has always craved? Or, will she fall victim to a betrayal of the heart yet again? 

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51vCVcRDSOL._SX342_Also available in Audio.

Would you like to experience a different format. Audio’s are great for listening to during commuting, while cooking or doing house work, or just when you try to relax. Imperfect Love is available on Audio and can be purchased viaAmazonor Audible. It is narrated by the talented Stefanie Kay.

Would you like to hear a sample? No problem. Just click HERE


adrienneIsabella White is a USA Today Bestselling author. She was born and raised in South Africa, where she still lives with her family.
She always knew she was going to be a writer, but it only started to really happen about four years ago. In her free time―if she gets any because moms don’t really have free time―she loves to spend it with friends, whether it’s a girls night out, or just watching a movie. She’s a very chilled person.
To find out more about her novels visit her website at


The chalet was beautiful, and someone had already lit a fire in the fireplace. She dropped the key onto the table, when Jake’s hand grabbed her elbow. He turned her around and picked her up in one swift motion, placing her gently onto the table. She looked up into his face and his ice-green eyes bore into hers. She could feel her mouth becoming dry and swallowedhard.
“Now, let’s take a look at thatknee.”
She wanted to groan. Jake had such a magnetic pull on her she’d forgotten all about her accident earlier.
“Do they have a first aid kit here?” Jake asked.
“I think there is one in the bathroom.” Holly pointed in its direction. She all but drooled watching him from the back. Almost as if Jake could hear her slobber hit the ground, he looked over his shoulder and winked.
Jake returned a few seconds later with a small first aid bag under his arm pit. Unzipping it, he selected what he needed.
Holly twitched when he first cleaned her wound with some kind of antiseptic, and then applied ointment. And when Jake bent lower to blow softly on her knee, hot flushes coursed over her entirebody.
“That should do it,” he stated seductively, whilst looking at her from beneath unbelievably thick lashes. He straightened and leaned closer, their lips barely an inch apart. Her heart beat erratically.
Jake brought his hands up, touching her lips with his thumbs as his fingers feathered over her cheeks. Holly felt like she was on the verge of combusting; her heart beat in her throat, ready to run for the hills, but then she felt herself drown in his amazingeyes.
Jake’s hand slowly reached around the back of her neck. With a slight pull toward him, their lips met, and Holly’s ears started to ring again as his tongue gained entry into her mouth and began a dance as ancient as time itself.
It seemed as if her blood was beginning to boil, and in the pit of her stomach it felt like a bomb was going to explode.
Holly’s hands had gained a life of their own and found themselves tangled up in his hair, but before she could think about what she was doing, her legs followed suit and curled around his waist. She could feel his cold hands on her thighs, but they scorched her flushed skin all thesame.
Through the thin silky material, his touch felt like a thousand tiny kisses caressing the side of her leg. She let out a small groan as he pulled her closer to him. His hands squeezed her ass, hard, which made her grab him around the neck, maneuvering herself even closer.
Suddenly, Jake lifted her off the table and began walking them toward the bedroom. He stopped at the foot of the bed and threw her playfully onto it. This made Holly laugh but when her eyes met his, her insides twisted into knots. His scorching eyes and wicked smile made her burn all over, and when he started unbuttoning his shirt, she didn’t think she could have gotten any wetter.
Holly felt her mouth become dry. Jake was taking his time and she couldn’t stop staring at his perfectly built body, toned muscles and beautiful six-pack that had been hiding beneath his shirt.
She swallowed past the hard lump in her throat as he took the two steps he needed to reach the bed, and once his shins touched the bottom, he placed one knee on the mattress and then the other and began crawling toward her in a predatory manner. When their faces were but a breath apart, time stopped as they stared at each intensely.
Seductively, he parted her legs at the knees, moved between her thighs and lowered his body onto hers. Toying with her, he winked.
Holly could feel her teeth biting the inside of her lip as she tried to control her emotions. Please don’t pass out, she kept begging in her head. Not that anything of the sort was likely to happen, but this felt like a dream; a fantasy she didn’t want to own up to, and she was scared that it would all puff up in a billow of smoke and disappear.
Jake’s face hovered over hers for a second, and then their lips touched softly. The kiss started off slow, gentle, erotic, but it became aggressive and the lust within Holly wanted her to rip off her own clothes, as well as the rest ofhis.
All she wanted was to feel his naked body on hers and, hopefully, finally, him inside of her. Thinking in this manner would’ve made her blush for secretly wanting him this badly, but thanks to a margarita, a mojito and some kind of Shiraz, modesty flew out the window.




a look at ‘Immortal’ by Kristin Ping #paranormal #romance #series @authorkristinP #3AuthorBlogtours

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Title: Immortal
Series: Varcolac Series #1
Saga: Guardian of Monsters.
Author: Kristin Ping
Genre: PNR
Pages: 289
ISBN: 978-1947649132
Released: April 15 2018
Publishers: Fire Quill Publishers

Description: Natasha’s life begins the night she is turned. With the ability to channel fire, a gift that only belongs to the witches, she becomes a terror— not only to the packs, but all the supernatural breeds. She’s known as Blaze. The deadliest vampire out there.But Blaze has a secret. She didn’t want to become a vampire, she needed to become a vampire, and her reasoning is lost. It died the night her human life did.Her conscience activates when two varcolacs visit the covenant, looking for allies for the Great War.
What was it about the Varcolacs that made her grow a conscience? And will she be able to outrun it to keep the title of terror?



Kristin is a USA Today Bestselling author and lives with her family in South Africa, where she writes full time.
Her debut novel, Immortal: A Varcolac Novel, followed by Hinder: A Benders Novel, are the first two novels in a sweeping saga called Guardian of Monsters. Nine intricately imagined novels are in the works, following witches, vampires, werewolves, djinns, Benders, and shifters.


2058 – Present

I shifted uselessly against my bonds and gasped as the metal dug into my skin. The chains and heavy locks that shackled my arms and legs to the stiff chair beneath me were made of UVS metal, among the strongest and deadliest metals to our kind. It weakened us so badly that we didn’t even have the strength of a mere human.
I winced at the pain throbbing in my neck. Werewolf bite.
It was a known fact that vampires did not live long, seven days at most, when bitten by a werewolf. Nobody here would suck out the venom, and no one was coming to my rescue.
Tonight’s events played through my mind in vivid detail.
Cass had let me go. After so many years, she finally let me go. But when I saw Vladimire and Francine, I knew it had all been a lie.
Alex and Leigh never stood a chance. Varcolacs were no match for werewolves. They weren’t as strong and their bodies couldn’t hold the Stra-vain—a concentrated dose of a rare plant that allowed werewolves to transform at will—in their system. Varcolacs had to wait for the full moon.
A few nights ago, when I was camping under the moonlight with Alex and Leigh, I’d thought I was the luckiest vampire in history. I had been given a second chance at life. An opportunity to make something good come from evil.
But that second night, when Alex smelled wolves on our tail, I knew it was just one of Cass’s cruel games.
She’d lied when she told me I could be with Alex, that she knew what it felt like to be in love with a Varcolac. She’d never intended to allow me to leave—not her precious Firebird, Natasha.
But never in a million years had I thought she would send my werewolf children to drag me back home.
What had she been thinking? That I wouldn’t kill them? Or harm them?
When they attacked, I took on Vladimire first. Vladimire, who was like a son to me. I still remembered the day I went to pick him up, or really the day I stole him and his twin sister, Francine.
There in the woods, at first, I couldn’t find it in myself to kill him. I tried to scare him with my fire. That hadn’t made him back off, and he’d taunted me, telling me I didn’t have it in me to burn him alive. He was wrong.
Francine had attacked Leigh, and Alex had tried to help. His foot triggered a bear trap, but he still fought as hard as he could. Leigh and Alex tried their best to kill Francine.
I aimed my merciless fire at Vladimire, my Vladimire. Watching him die by my hands ripped my heart to shreds, but I knew it was either us or them.
When he was a charred corpse, I steeled myself to attack Francine next.  Killing her should be easier than Vladimire—she was the more sadistic of the two.

Book two, Mine Immortal is now available for purchasingon all online stores.



a look at ‘Darkbeam’ by Adrienne Woods #Fantasy #Series @erichb3 #3AuthorBlogTours

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Title: Darkbeam Part I
Author: Adrienne Woods
Series: Beam Series
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 464
ISBN: 978-1947649095
ASIN: B0755NL92W
Audio: Coming Soon
Release Date: November 24 2017
Publisher: Fire Quill Publishers

Description:Everyone in Paegeia knows that only one Rubicon dragon lives at a time.
If more than one, they will destroy Paegeia and eventually the rest of the world as they crave that constant power for dominance.
Blake Leaf is this era’s Rubicon, and is destined for grate things if his darkness can be won.
Darkbeam Part 1 follows the story of the Rubicon and how he tries to keep his beast, the darkness, at bay.


57331327_2224653217610816_9132481818677739520_nAlso Available on Audio.

Would you like a complete different reading experience. Darkbeam Part I is available on audio, read by award winning narrator, Kevin T. Collins (also narrated Beautiful Creatures). Perfect for during commuting, house chores or just relaxing. Find out why audios are so popular in today’s time and age. Available for purchasing at Amazon and Audible.

Listen to a sample HERE


AdrianneAdrienne is a USA Today bestselling author living in South Africa, where she writes full time. Firebolt, book one of the wildly popular Dragonian series, was her debut novel. Her second series, Dream Casters, will conclude with book three, Millue, to be released in 2019.
FOR MORE INFORMATIONwww.adriennewoodsbooks.com


The crowds were already cheering in the Colosseum, as I was busy feeding the beast. The Snow Dragon kept to her word. I found her wearing only her robe in my changing area where I would exit into the ring.
It happened so fast. I wanted to fill a need, one of the beast’s needs. I kissed her fiercely. Her back connected hard with the wall as her legs curled around my waist.
Her body was sculpted to perfection. Her white skin brought to mind an ice queen. She reminded me of winter; she calmed my yearning, and her cold touch calmed my own stirring flame deep inside.
Her complaints filled my ears. It pleased the beast. When she begged for more, I gave her what she wanted.
Lust and satisfaction numbed both the beast and myself. When we reached climax, my brain temporarily exploded into fireworks, blinding the darkness.
Her laughter filled my ears, tired laughter. I could hear my name being called outside.
“Ru-bi-con, Ru-bi-con, Ru-bi-con.” I didn’t know how long it had been carrying on. It was time to go.
“Give him hell. Make him regret that he ever decided to try and claim you.” She touched my lips. The beast was calm. He was at peace. “You are untamable,” she said softly.
My lips curved. I kissed her on the lips and left.
The crowd was going insane. The Dragonians and the dragons. And of course the press.
My eyes snagged on King Helmut. There was a warning in them.
Don’t hurt my son. No, don’t kill my son.
Your son shouldn’t have done this.
Our gaze broke and I turned slowly around to see how packed the Colosseum was. Everyone was here because it was me and the Prince of Tith.
I wasn’t a show pony like some of the other dragons. I didn’t rile up the crowds or put on a show for them. I was the Rubicon. A mere lift of my arms made them go wild.
The song played.
It was something stupid Dragonians did. And the one Lucian had chosen only amped me up more. Whether it was too much base or the effect the electric guitar had on me. It rippled through my bones, clawed on my scales.
The Dragonians hummed with the tune. The ground vibrated under my feet as they stomped in unison.
My gaze found Lucian’s.
He looked determined, with a rope wrapped around his arms and a shield in his hands. His eyes were narrow. Wearing his safety vest with combat boots reaching his calves, he looked more like a soldier who belonged in a futuristic story than a modern-day knight trying to tame a dragon. Especially a dragon who didn’t belong to him.
Why the hell are you doing this, you fool? You haven’t even ascended yet!
His light streamed out of him as he stared at me with so much compassion, it made me want to throw up. The beast was starting to reawaken.
The Snow Dragon hadn’t been enough.
I jumped into the air. The first part that broke out of my human flesh was my wings. The rest followed as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Deep, dark red and purple scales replaced human skin.
A deadly tail.
Four paws with sharp talons replaced my limbs.
Rows and rows of pointy teeth and a mane of thick tendrils flapped with a shake of my head.
I roared.
Lucian stood his ground.
I tuned in and found his heartbeat. It was elevated but not from fear. From adrenaline, admiration, and anticipation. He was ready.
He steadied his shield in front of him and placed his free hand on the rope over his shoulder. “Let’s show them a claiming they will never forget!” he yelled in Latin.
I started to chuckle. The beast was taking over. Nothing I did would protect Lucian from its wrath.
“There will never be a claiming. You are not the royal the Viden prophesied.”
I changed the scenery of the Colosseum to a swamp. I loved swamps; you could do and be so many things in a swamp. Set booby traps, drown enemies in mud, and they wouldn’t even see it coming. The beast was already clouding my mind.
Remember who that is. No killing him!I roared. The beast gave a roar back; it sent shivers down my spine and straight into my soul. It was letting me know who was in charge. Today was going to be a fight I could have never prepared myself for. The one inside myself.
Lucian looked dazed by the swamp that had suddenly appeared around us. Fresh terror lit his eyes.
I stayed still, concealed like a boulder right in front of him. Then the beast took over completely. I was in way over my head.
Don’t kill him. I’ll give you what you want. Just don’t kill him.
The fight was hard. Not just against Lucian, but against myself too.
I almost gave in. I hung on by a thread. Killing Lucian wasn’t an option.
I had to stay in control.
Lucian fought well.
The swamp didn’t last long. He was really good, the only one truly worthy of being inside this ring with me, If I was honest.
He finally lost his balance as I shook the ground stomping my feet.
It carried on like that for a long time. Like a stupid game. Lucian struggled to regain his balance and bounced hard against the floor.
The beast thought it was comical.
Enough!I put a stop to it.
The beast went for Lucian. Lucian rolled around; my paws just missed squashing him by inches.
I didn’t want to look, but I had no choice.
I was scared. Yet at the same time, I loved everything about it. I was getting angry as he slipped through my paws.
The battle raged.
Lucian refused to give up. Every tiny breadth of space he found, every second of reprieve, he used to gain the upper hand.
At one stage, I thought he had me. It was so intense. The way the crowd cheered. Their chants coursed through the ground and drilled into my scales.
And then he used his rope.
I didn’t even see him coming.
The bastard had just been on the ground, rolling to dodge my lethal paws, and then he was gone, just like that.
I heard his scream from behind as he leaped onto my back.
I was too late to attack him with an ability. He landed on my spine hard. The rope looped around one of my horns. One that I couldn’t reach.
He’d done his homework. He swung from the rope.
I tried to squash him in the process of climbing off my back, but he was thumping and throwing my body in all directions. I only did exactly what he’d hoped.
I got myself tangled in the ropes, half-strangled.
He was bringing me down. “Yield, Blake, for the both of us! Just yield!”
This was it. He was going to win. Whether he was the foretold royal or not. Lucian always believed it didn’t matter what people said, that as long as you believed it with your heart and you confessed it with your mind, you could make anything happen. And this was it. The proof behind his faith.
But the beast in me refused to yield.
I wasn’t anyone’s lamb. I am the Rubicon! I cannot be tamed!
The strength that had waned a few minutes ago came back, amplified exponentially. My body shredded through the rope that had trapped me.
Lucian yelled out of frustration and ducked, diving again to escape my wrath.
I wasn’t thinking clearly anymore.
I didn’t remember our friendship and how close we’d been.
I spat my acid at him. The spots where my acid balls landed disintegrated. Rocks melted and shattered, giving him less and less hiding spaces. But the weasel still escaped me. My wrath became darker.
He rolled out from hiding, ready to jump again, but this time the beast was ready. Before I could control it, a flash of lightning left my mouth.
He wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place.
The lightning struck him.
He flew back and convulsed violently on the floor. He shook as volts of electricity ran through him.
Then it stopped.
Lucian’s body lay lifeless on the cold, unforgiving floor of the Colosseum. I wanted to attack him again. He would always come back if I didn’t finish him off and I couldn’t have that.
A Sun-Blast dragon flew in, followed by a Fin-Tail and a Copper-Horn. All of them were so fast.
I wanted to scorch their asses.
I growled and screeched. They ducked and dove, avoiding my lightning and acid.
One of them connected hard with me. I staggered a few feet, but kept my balance. They pummeled me. They came again and again.
I growled.
“Blake, calm down,” Professor Mia said as a Fin-Tail crashed into me this time.
“Remember who you are,” she commanded.
The Fin-Tail rammed the other side of my body.
It took four of them to make me remember who I truly was and the guy I’d almost killed.
I pulled back.
“He’s calming down,” she said. “Give him some room.”
The beast inside me still growled.
STOP IT! JUST STOP!the human part of me yelled as I disconnected from the hatred, the darkness, and the irrepressible drive to kill. The beast’s constant thirst for blood.
I morphed back into my human form and lay on the ground. Someone scurried up from the sidelines and covered me with a robe, then disappeared before I had a chance to attack.
I took huge breaths to calm my soul, my mind, and my heart, even though I couldn’t feel it beating. My entire being was on edge.
“Blake?” Mia asked. I looked up at her. She was in her human form too, draped hastily in a robe from somewhere, crouching next to me. I pushed myself up, resting with my elbows on my knees, just taking deep breaths, steadying myself.
“I thought we’d lost you for a second.”
I shook my head. “It’s getting stronger. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on, Mia.” And then it hit me. “Lucian!”
I jumped up from the floor and bolted to the one of the gates. The one that led to Lucian’s changing room. The gate was locked but I could see Constance working on his limp body.
“Blake, calm down.” One of the other professors said through the gate.
“Lucian!” Tears streamed down my cheeks. What have I done?
Mia got hold of me. “Let them do their job.”
“Get off me,” I said through gritted teeth. Hot, shameful tears rolled down my cheeks. “I did that to him, Mia. Me.”
“Calm down. Lucian knows the risks, Blake. He knows.”
“No, don’t.” I needed to get out of there. There was no escape. I looked at the sky.
“Lower the shield!” Mia yelled and pulled my chin down to look at her.
Our eyes met.
The shimmer started to soften and then the shield vanished.
“Just go.” Mia’s eyebrows knitted together, her eyes soft. I hated that look. Pity.
Thank you.I wanted to say it so badly, but the words just didn’t form in my mouth.
I shifted back into the beast and flapped my huge wings. I flew like I’d never flown before. Away from the atrocity I’d committed this day.



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